Crowdy Reservoir: We are currently undertaking a clear-fell operation of two small blocks of Sitka Spruce on the north western side of the reservoir. This operation is being undertaken slightly earlier in the year to avoid any impact on the starling populations within the area. During this time, there will be no public access due to the harvesting operations, this is to protect both the public and our contractors. Therefore, the reservoir carpark will be closed from Monday 19th August for approximately 4 weeks.  The resulting brash will be burnt and this is covered under a waste exemption licence.  These two areas will be replanted with native broadleaves to provide more beneficial habitat for native species. Warning and information signs will be in place and we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Burrator Reservoir: We have clear-felled an area of conifer species between the reservoir and arboretum car park and also along Narrator Brook. This is in line with the long term management plan of improving the riparian zones and these areas have been restocked with wet woodland species. This will improve the biodiversity and water quality flowing into the reservoir. This work is in line with the UK Forestry Standard and Forest and Water Guidelines.

Roadford Forest
Unfortunately, a large proportion of the young Ash trees within Roadford Forest have been affected by Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus)
We are systematically felling the affected trees within the woodland for both public safety and future resilience.
Selected Ash trees showing signs of resistance against the disease will be retained and monitored.
Following the felling, the affected areas will be replanted with a mixture of native broadleaf species.
Please be aware of and comply with the signage around these areas, for your own safety.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Burrator Internal Track Improvement
We are currently undertaking some necessary work within the forest to improve the internal track systems. This will allow woodland management operations to be undertaken safely. Improving track systems has further benefits, one of these is that it increases the light levels reaching the track sides benefitting both ground flora and some invertebrates. Warning signs have been erected where the operations are taking place and we urge you, for your own safety, and that of our contractors to adhere to these at all times. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.